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We have dedicated our farm to extremely rare heritage breeds of livestock.  We hope to preserve these precious breeds for generations to come.  Heritage breeds are known to be hardy and have adapted well to their environment making them the perfect fit for a homestead addition. Although we may not have a large number of animals, they have the ability to earn thier keep while providing our family with a valuable experience.

We raise Milking Devon Cattle: Considered critically rare. The Milking Devon is a medium sized triple-purpose breed adapted to survive on a low-quality, high forage diet under severe climatic conditions. They are healthy, long lived, and thrive on good care and management. American Milking Devon Cattle nearly vanished from the planet. Cows of an antique and once-popular stock, by the 1970s, the world's population of the animals had dwindled to less than 100.
We raise The American Mulefoot Hog: The rarest swine in America. Consdered critically rare. Known for it's solid hoof which resembles that of a mule, they are gentle animals and remarkably hearty and also forage well. Their coats are soft, mainly black with occasional animals having white points. They are easy to raise and may weigh between 400 and 600 pounds by the age of two. This is the old fashioned ham hog that your grandparents thrived on and one that is worthy to bring back to the table!
We also raise heritage sheep and various other farm animals.  Visit our links above to learn more about our farm and what we have to offer. Contact us for further information any time.






Crystal Creek Farm is located near the Nathan Boone Homestead
State Historic Site.

Boone, the youngest child of famous Daniel Boone, carried his family's legacy deep into the Missouri Ozarks.
The Nathan Boone State park includes the dog-trot cabin, the Graves of Nathan and his wife, Olive, and a slave cemetery.  Volunteers participate in events re-inacting the 1850 era, and keep a heritage garden. 
The Clairs contribute with their herigate animals, rope-making, and spinning arts.
Spring 2009 event included a sheep to show the visitors, as well as Eli,the new young bull from the foundation Greene stock of New England.
A favorite past attraction @ N.B.H.S.H.S. has been the oxen team, raised & trained by Tom Clair.
Participating in several parades, including the Bi-Centennial Marshfield Celebration, the Milking Devon pair are shown here pulling an authentic 1800's Webber wagon.  Leading the oxen are Tom Clair, & a friend, Wesley Brown.

We have purebred heritage livestock available on occasion.
Contact us for further information.
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Tuesday March 11, 2025 05:07AM

Crystal Creek Farm * Tommy & Leanna Clair * Ash Grove MO * US * 417-751-2505 *


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